The ArdentSky Personal Application Management Module™
The ArdentSky Personal Application Management Module enables the automatic generation of initial and renewal application forms for employees. Here's how it works:
Users securely enter and maintain employee information (e.g., residences, family information, military , education , employment , financial, etc.) within the application and the information is stored in a central database deployed at the users’ site. While there is a wealth of information to be maintained for each employee, the data is maintained only once in a single format and in a single repository.
ArdentSky maintains your library license forms within the application. Through our patented technology, a flexible mapping layer is created between the database and applications, assuming that the correct data in the right format is mapped on each form. For example, you may maintain your hair color as “Brown” in the database, but we will check the “Brown” checkbox on forms that have multiple-entry checkboxes, and print the word “Brown” on forms that have free text fields.
Once data has been maintained, the user simply selects an employee and an application and then automatically generates the populated form.
In addition, you can easily, securely and accurately generate reports from the system to produce, for example, a list of all licenses an employee holds, a list of all past residences, employment history, education, etc.
The ArdentSky Corporate Application Management Module™
The ArdentSky Corporate Application Management Module works much like the Personal Application Module – it allows you to automatically generate application forms for the corporate entity (ies). It works like this:
Users securely enter and maintain corporate information within the application and the information is stored in a central database deployed at the users’ site. The data is maintained only once, in a single format and in a single repository.
ArdentSky maintains your library of license forms within the application. Through our patented technology, a flexible mapping layer is created between the database and applications, assuring that the correct data in the right format is mapped on each form.
Once data has been maintained within the ArdentSky system, the user selects a desired entity and an application and automatically generates a populated form.